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Grrr... go away!


Lietuviskas aprasymas zemiau

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Day 16: Following the Maya Route

February 23, 2006

In the Yucatan Peninsula, the Maya World is virtually endless. Whichever route you take, you will surely cross paths with either a contemporary Maya setting, or an archeological site containing an ancient Maya city ruins, or, most of the times, an impressive blend of both the past and the present. We woke early and took a local road towards Oxkutzcab (no road number on the map, but all the ruins are clearly marked). By daybreak, we were already in Suyil, a couple of hours later in Xlapak, then Labna, and finally Uxmal.

Each of the ruins is a sensation in a different way. The first three sites aren't nearly as grand as Uxmal or Chichen-Itza, but because of their of-the-beaten-track location, they offer the tranquility Uxmal can only dream of. In Uxmal, appropriately considered one of the most beautiful of the remaining Maya cities, expect to share the pyramids and temples with another thousand of the explorers and noisy tour guides revealing the secrets of the Maya World to their German, French, English or Chinese audience.

Recommendation: Perhaps the only way to beat the crowd (and the afternoon heat) in Uxmal and other popular ruins is to get there early. Most of the archeological sites open at 8AM and that's the time you should be at the gate.

To avoid getting "ruined-out" we decided to detour off the Maya Route to Merida and the neighboring resort town of Progreso, where we spent the night. Couldn't call Progreso nice, but there is a bunch of affordable hotels right on the beach, which make Progreso a better choice for a stop that the busy Merida.

No photos for Day 16. Our drunken laptop has lost them all :-((((


Visas 16-tos dienos nuotraukas praradom per savo laptopo-girtuoklio "isdaigas" :-(((

16-oji diena: Dar apie Maju pasauli

2006 m. vasario 23

Didesniu ir mazesniu, ispudingu ir nelabai - Maju miestu liekanu Jukatane tikrai daug. Vien pakeliui I Merida, salia Mex 261, per diena aplankom 4 griuvesius: Sayil, Xlapak, Labna ir Uxmal. Pirmieji trys, kaip ir vakarykstis Edzna, zavus tuo, kad salyginai mazi ir nera populiarus tarp turistu. Po Maju "miestus" klaidziojam beveik visiskai vieni. Tokioj ramybej lengva fantazuoti apie kadaise cia stovejusi tobulai suprojektuota miesta: elegantiskas piramides, dziungles isvagojusias gatves, akvedukus, paslaptingas sventyklas ir aukojimo altorius… - architekturinius "primityviuju" Maju ir Acteku sedevrus, kuriu net ir siandienos istorikai negali paaiskinti. Visiska priesingybe - Uxmal. Ne todel, kad ne sedevras, o del to, kad tkras tarptautiniu biciu avilys: prancuzisku, vokisku, anglisku, amerikietisku, zydisku, kinietisku butybiu knibzdelynas… nesumeluosim pasakydami, kad ispanu kalbos net negirdejom, jeigu neskaitysim suvenyru pardaveju, lauzyta anglu kalba siulanciu viska "uz doleri" (Pardaveju triukas! Uz $1 galima gauti nebent vos iziurimo dydzio medine piramide. Taciau unikalus ranku darbo gaminiai: keramika, is medzio drozinetos kaukes, rankom siuvinetos palaidines… - net "turistu zonoje" palyginti labai pigus (butina deretis, ir kaina staigiai sumazeja perpus).

Apie Majus ir ju miestu liekanas butu galima rasyti be galo, bet… neissakytas mintis bandysim kompensuoti fotografijomis, kurios, tikimes, paskatins jus planuoti kelione I Jukatana :)
Rytoj - Chichen-Itza.

Pastaba: visu tekste minetu Maju kilmes vietoviu pavadinimu (Yukatan, Sayil, Xlapak, Labna, Uxmal, Chichen-Itza…) kirciuotas paskutinysis zodzio skiemuo.

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